

Author(s) : Robert Lafore
Publisher : Waite Group
Year : Dec 1998
ISBN 10 : 157169160X
ISBN 13 : 9781571691606
Language : English
Pages : 850
File type : CHM
Size (for download) : 3.2 MB

Why is everyone so excited about OOP? The chief problem with computer programs is complexity. Large programs are probably the most complicated entities ever created by humans. Because of this complexity, programs are prone to error, and software errors can be expensive and even life threatening (in air-traffic control, for example). Object-Oriented Programming offers a new and powerful way to cope with this complexity. Its goal is clearer, more reliable, more easily maintained programs.

Of the Object-Oriented Programming languages, C++ is by far the most widely used. (Java, a recent addition to the field of OO languages, lacks certain features, such as pointers, that make it less powerful and versatile than C++.)

This book teaches Object-Oriented Programming with the C++ programming language, using either Microsoft or Borland compilers. It is suitable for professional programmers, students, and kitchen-table enthusiasts.

You can use this book even if you have no previous programming experience. However, such experience, in BASIC or Pascal, for example, certainly won’t hurt.

You do not need to know the C language to use this book. Many books on C++ assume that you already know C, but this one does not. It teaches C++ from the ground up. If you do know C, it won’t hurt, but you may be surprised at how little overlap there is between C and C++.

You should be familiar with the basic operations of Microsoft Windows, such as starting applications and copying files.
Chapter 01 — The big picture
Chapter 02 — C++ programming basics
Chapter 03 — Loops and decisions
Chapter 04 — Structures
Chapter 05 — Functions
Chapter 06 — Objects and classes
Chapter 07 — Arrays and strings
Chapter 08 — Operator overloading
Chapter 09 — Inharitance
Chapter 10 — Pointers
Chapter 11 — Virtual functions
Chapter 12 — Streams and files
Chapter 13 — Multifile programs
Chapter 14 — Templates and exceptions
Chapter 15 — The standard template library
Chapter 16 — Object-oriented design